Design timeline

Apr - Aug 2024 (Development in progress)


1 product manager

Me as designer

2 engineers

My role

Usability benchmark

Product design

Usability testing

Mydoh Earn.png

<aside> 👉 This redesign initiative has two work streams: first, enhancing task creation for parents, and then improving task management for both parents and children.

Read a quick summary below👇, or explore the full slide deck at the bottom for a deeper dive.



Mydoh is a money management app and smart cash card designed to help youth develop real-life money skills and build healthy financial habits through earning, spending, and saving.

Youth can earn money on Mydoh by completing ****parent-assigned tasks (chores) or receiving an unconditional allowance.

Problem & opportunity

The Task feature, launched in 2021, evolved with added capabilities over the years, making it more robust but also more complex.



Recent parent app usability benchmark study uncovered usability issues in the Task feature, specifically related to recurring task set-up.

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Parents struggle to find the task feature's flexible frequency and pay options.





We received significant feedback through app store reviews.

<aside> 😵‍💫

Kids find the list view overwhelming and struggle to see what tasks need to be done for the day**.**


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Kids struggle with noticing and comprehending the difference of ‘All or nothing’ tasks and ‘Partial paid’ tasks.




This initiative is currently in development. While we don’t have performance data yet, prototype testing has shown significant improvements.